Friday, May 13, 2016

5 basic elements of investment you need to know as an investor

The  Elements  of  Investments  are  as  follows:     

a)  Return: Investors  buy  or  sell  financial  instruments  in  order  to  earn  return  on them.  The  return  on  investment  is  the  reward  to  the  investors.  The  return includes  both  current  income  and  capital  gain  or  losses,  which  arises  by  the increase or decrease of the security price.  

b)  Risk:  Risk  is  the  chance  of  loss  due  to  variability  of  returns  on  an  investment.  In case  of  every  investment,  there  is  a  chance  of  loss.  It  may  be  loss  of  interest, dividend  or  principal  amount  of  investment.  However,  risk  and  return  are inseparable.  Return  is  a  precise  statistical  term  and  it  is  measurable.  But  the  risk is  not  precise  statistical  term.  However,  the  risk  can  be
 quantified.  The investment process should be considered in terms of both risk and return.

  c)  Time:  time  is  an  important  factor  in  investment.  It  offers  several  different  courses of  action.  Time  period  depends  on  the  attitude  of  the  investor  who  follows  a  ‘buy and  hold’  policy.  As  time  moves  on,  analysis  believes  that  conditions  may  change and investors may revaluate expected returns and risk for each investment.

d)  Liquidity:  Liquidity  is  also  important  factor  to  be  considered  while  making  an investment.  Liquidity  refers  to  the  ability  of  an  investment  to  be  converted  into cash  as  and  when  required.  The  investor  wants  his  money  back  any  time. Therefore, the investment should provide liquidity to the investor.

e)  Tax  Saving:  The  investors  should  get  the  benefit  of  tax  exemption  from  the investments.  There  are  certain  investments  which  provide  tax  exemption  to  the investor.  The  tax  saving  investments  increases  the  return  on  investment. Therefore,  the  investors  should  also  think  of  saving  income  tax  and  invest  money in order to maximize the return on investment.  

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