Monday, May 2, 2016

beginner tips and ideas for making money

  The  following  list  of  tips  is  meant  to  provide  new  comers  with basic  Internet  Marketing advice to  help improve their  initial  online marketing  activities.  It  can also serve as  an introduction to online  marketing.  Note that  these  tips  are  not  necessary  related to  my strategy  but  rather  constitute  general  internet  marketing  advice.  If  you are  an experienced  online  marketer  you may  want to  skip this  chapter  and  go  directly  to the next  one  where I  start  explaining  my  simple,  yet  highly  effective,  strategy  of  making  lots of  money  online.

  Now here are  the  tips:

1.  One great  way  to make  money  online is  to  use a  site like  Etsy  or  eBay  to sell  things you make  yourself.  If  you have any  talents,  from  sewing  to knitting  to carpentry,  you can make  a killing  through  online  markets.  People  want  items  that  are  handmade,  so  join in!

2.  Take  paid surveys  online if  you want  to  make some  extra cash on  the side.  Market research companies  will  want  to get  as  much  consumer  feedback  as  possible,  and these  surveys  are a great  way  to do  this.  Surveys  may  range anywhere  from  five cents to 20 dollars  depending  on the type you do.

3.  If  you'd  like to  make  money  online,  try  thinking  outside  the box.  While you want  to stick  with something  you know  and are capable of  doing,  you will  greatly  expand your opportunities  by  branching  out.  Look  for  work  within your  preferred genre or  industry, but  don't  discount  something  simply  because  you've never  done it  before.

 4.  You can  make money  online by  playing  games.  Farm  Gold is  a great  site that  you can log  in to and  play  fun games  during  the course of  the day  in your  spare time.  There are many  games  that  you can choose  from  to  make  this  a profitable  and  fun  experience.

5.  Put  your  down time
to good  use.  There  are  many  ways  to earn  money  online that require little focus.  This  is  true of  tiny  tasks  on a crowdsourcing  site  like, known as  Mechanical  Turk.  You  can  work  on these tasks  as  you watch some  TV.  Don't expect  to  break  the  bank  with this  technique,  but  you can  make some of  your  time online  pay  off  instead  of  being  time  completely  wasted.

6.  Begin  a podcast  talking  about  some  of  the  things  that  you have interest  in.  If  you get a high  following,  you may  get  picked  up by  a company  who will  pay  you to do a certain amount  of  sessions  per  week.  This  can  be something  fun  and very  profitable if  you are good at  speaking.

7.  Don't  quit  your  day  job until  the online  money  making  opportunity  you're looking  into starts  paying  off.  While  it  could  prove to  be  a jackpot,  you don't  want  to risk  being  up the creek  if  it's  not  what  you were hoping  for.  Always  have enough  money  in the  bank  for  a few  month's  of  bills,  just  to  be  on the safe  side.

8.  If  you love to write,  consider  selling  your  fiction or  non-fiction work  through an electronic  book  on  the  Internet.  This  is  a great  way  to tell  everyone that  you know  things about  something  and  make  money  in the  process.  Beginning  with a collection  of  recipes is  an excellent  way  to  begin with  E-books.

9.  Use  affiliates  on your  personal  website.  Do  you have a blog  or  some  other  sort  of presence online? Do you get  a lot  of  traffic?  Try  affiliate  marketing.  It  requires  very  little effort  on your  part.  By  registering  your  site with sites  like  Google Adsense,  you could make  a considerable  amount  in  passive income.

10.  Working  online is  likely  not  to  make you a  millionaire  overnight.  Even Perez  Hilton or Ariana Huffington  had to work  hard to  get  their  sites  to  be  popular.  The same goes  for you,  whether  you are  writing  SEO  articles  or  designing  websites.  Don't  let  frustration cause you  to quit  if  you  don't  strike it  rich quickly.

11.  Selling  items  on  eBay  is  a great  way  to make some  money  online.  You  may  have things  that  are just  collecting  dust  in your  home  and  taking  up space.  On  eBay,  you can sell  these items.  All  you have to do is  create  a profile  and put  your  items  up  for  sale.

 12.  Don't  buy  into anything  that  tells  you that  you can  make  a whole  bunch of  money  if you pay  into a  system.  A  lot  of  these  things  that  promise you  a  fortune were put  together by  someone  to get  your  money  and  not  help  you at  all.  Use  common  sense  and  you should  do  fine if  this  comes  up.

13.  If  you have a lot  to  say  and you think  others  will  like reading  it,  you should  think about  starting  a blog.  Having  ads  placed  on  your  blog  can earn you  a decent  amount  of residual  income each  month.  The  best  way  to maximize your  earnings  would be to place  ads  that  are relevant  to your  content.

14.  If  you plan on  making  serious  money  online,  make sure  you've got  the right equipment  for  the job.  There's  nothing  more  frustrating  than trying  to complete  a job and your  Internet  times  out,  or  is  so slow  that  you  miss  a  bid or  other  opportunity.  Have the necessary  equipment  and  make sure  you're  software is  up to date  too.

15.  Photography  is  a growing  business.  If  you  like taking  pictures,  and you are good at it,  you could  make  money  selling  those  pictures  online.  Look  into companies  like Shutterstock  and Fotolia,  which are stock  photo agencies.  They  make it  easy  for  people to earn a little extra money  by  taking  pictures.

16.  Start  making  money  online doing  microgigs.  Register  at  Fiverr  and offer  small  tasks that  you can  do  for  others  for  five bucks.  If  you can't  think  of  anything  you can do  that people  might  pay  for,  browse over  what  is  already  offered.  You will  be surprised  at  the kinds  of  tasks  that  are  available.

 17.  Take paid surveys  online if  you want  to  make some  extra cash  on the side.  Market research companies  will  want  to get  as  much  consumer  feedback  as  possible,  and these  surveys  are a great  way  to do  this.  Surveys  may  range anywhere  from  five cents to 20 dollars  depending  on the type you do.

18.  If  you enjoy  writing,  take  a look  at  revenue  sharing  sites.  Both  of  these sites  let  you write  on your  favorite topics,  and you get  a split  of  the incoming  revenue.  Additionally, you can also  use  Amazon's  affiliate  program  to increase your  earning  potential.

19.  If  you love to  draw,  you can sell  some of  the photography  that  you create on the web.  Initially,  you may  want  to post  your  goods  on Craigslist  or  a smaller  site to  get  the word out  and see if  people will  bite.  If  there  is  a high  following,  you can  move to  a  more prominent  site.

20.  When looking  for  opportunities  to  make  money  online,  try  the  big  name companies first.  Amazon and eBay  for  example,  are trusted and  have proven to  work  for  millions  of people.  While it  can  be  safe  and lucrative to go with unknowns,  the  big  companies  have track records, tools and other ways of ensuring your success from the get-go. 

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